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Hyslinga ER Information:
What is Hysingla ER?
Hysingla ER is an extended release opioid, prescribed for those needing around-the-clock management of severe pain, and is not for use on an as needed basis. It works by blocking pain signals to the brain. This drug is a controlled substance categorized as a Schedule II narcotic.
How do I take Hysingla ER?
Hysingla ER is an extended-release tablet that is taken orally, once a day, with water. Do not crush, break, chew, wet, or lick the tablet before taking. Over time, the doctor may increase or decrease the dosage strength, depending on your medical profile. Do not stop taking Hysingla Er without first consulting with your physician.
Before taking Hysingla ER, tell your doctor if:
- You are allergic to hydrocodone or any of the ingredients in the Hysingla ER tablets
- You are pregnant, planning a pregnancy, or are nursing a child
- You are taking any prescription or non-prescription medications, vitamins, or supplements
- You are taking medications for seizures, mental illness, anxiety, Parkinson disease, urinary problems, irritable bowel syndrome, nausea, or ulcers
- You are taking pentazocine, amiodarone, levofloxacin, antihistamines, nalbuphine, azithromycin, haloperidol, butorphanol, dronedarone, citalopram, chlorpromazine, or laxatives
- You are taking, or have stopped taking within the past two weeks, tranylcypromine, isocarboxazid, selegiline, phenelzine, or rasagiline
- You are taking antifungals, other narcotic medications, carbamazepine, medications to treat HIV/AIDS, cimetidine, muscle relaxants, clarithromycin, tranquillizers, erythromycin, phenytoin, sleeping pills or sedatives, or rifampin
- You have had difficulty swallowing
- You have, or have had, asthma, COPD or other lung disease, or a head injury
- You have, or have had, paralytic ileus or any blocking or narrowing of the intestines or stomach
- You have, or have had, hypertension, low blood pressure, heart rhythm problems, or heart failure
- You have, or have had problems urinating, gall bladder disease, thyroid disease, kidney or liver disease, or pancreas disease
- You have, or have had, seizures, colon or esophageal cancer.
What are the possible side effects of taking Hysingla ER?
Some people have reported side effects after taking this medication. Less severe symptoms include back pain, difficult or painful urination, changes in urination frequency, sleep difficulties, dry mouth, swelling of feet, legs, or ankles, headache, appetite loss, loss of appetite, nausea, tinnitus, stomach pain, muscle tightening, fatigue, uncontrollable tremors, and vomiting. If any of these conditions persist or worsen, contact your doctor.
Severe side effects requiring immediate medical attention include signs of an allergic reaction (rash, hives, itching, peeling or blistered skin; swelling of the face, mouth, lips, throat, or tongue; difficulty breathing or swallowing), chest pain, tachycardia, and hoarseness.
What if I forget to take a dose of Hysingla ER?
If you forget to take your scheduled dose Hysingla ER, skip it and take the regularly scheduled dose the next day. Do not increase dosage or change the regimen to make up for one that was missed.
How do I store Hysingla ER?
Keep Hysingla ER tightly sealed in its original container, out of the reach of the reach of children and away from extremes of temperature and humidity. Dispose of any unused medication according to the instructions of your pharmacist.
What happens if I overdose on Hysingla ER?
If an overdose of Hysingla ER is suspected, contact the Poison Control Center at 1-800-222-1222. If the individual has stopped breathing or lost consciousness, contact Emergency Services at 911.
Contact your doctor if you become pregnant while taking Hysingla ER. Drinking alcohol while taking this medication can have life-threatening side effects. It is possible to become dependent on this drug. Suddenly discontinuing its use may be accompanied by severe withdrawal. Hysingla ER may make you drowsy; do not drive, operate heavy machinery or equipment, use power tools, or handle firearms until its effects are known.
Brand Names
Hysingla ER is a brand name version of hydrocodone; it is also marketed as Zohydro ER. Do not substitute one brand of this medication for another without written permission from a doctor. For help with controlling the Hysingla ER cost, download the coupon on the HelpRx website and receive savings of up to 75% at local pharmacies. In addition to savings on Hysingla ER, a discount card is also available that delivers similar price reduction, as high as 75%, on hundreds of name brand and generic medications. To request yours, click the “Free Card” link at the top of any page on our website.

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