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Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes medication

Bydureon and Farxiga: Better Together

By HelpRx Staff Writer on November 17, 2016

Sometimes two is better than one, at least when it comes to certain type 2 diabetes medications. ... Continue Reading >

Patient consulting doctor

How Do I Know if I Have Diabetes?

By HelpRx Staff Writer on August 16, 2016

Type 2 diabetes mellitus, previously known as adult-onset diabetes, is recognizable by symptoms that resemble ordinary... Continue Reading >

Diabetes type 2 gene concept

New Study Helps Map Genetics that Can Lead to Type 2 Diabetes

By HelpRx Staff Writer on August 01, 2016

People often ask if type 2 diabetes is genetic or caused by insufficient diet and exercise. The answer is it could be cau... Continue Reading >

Oramed oral insulin pill

Oral Insulin Could Replace Injectable Forms

By HelpRx Staff Writer on June 09, 2016

For many years, scientists have tried, and failed to create oral insulin to help patients with type 2 diabetes. ... Continue Reading >

Doctor comparing 2 drugs

Januvia and Janumet: What’s the difference?

By Hannah Solow on February 12, 2016

Patients with Type II Diabetes seeking blood sugar control currently have a wide range of treatment options. ... Continue Reading >

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About Our Savings: is a discount pharmacy service, partnered with a leading pharmacy benefit manager. We negotiate lower prices on prescription medications, that we pass on to our members for free. There is no cost to use our cards and coupon, and anyone can take advantage of our discounts, regardless of healthcare coverage.

Our savings assurance of “up to 75% off” comes from historical data from actual claims. This data includes savings for both brand name and generic medications.