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Remicade Information:
What is Remicade?
Remicade may be prescribed to treat the autoimmune disorders Crohn’s Disease, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis, or ulcerative colitis. This medication works by inhibiting a protein called TNF-alpha, which is overproduced in people with the disorders listed above. Too much of the TNF-alpha protein leads the immune system to attack healthy joints, tissues, or organs, so by blocking the action of this protein, Remicade can relieve autoimmune disorder symptoms. It is not, however, a cure for these disorders.
How do I take Remicade?
Remicade comes in a powder form that will be mixed with water and injected intravenously by a doctor, nurse, or other trained health care professional. The entire injection process takes about two hours, and you will most likely receive another dose every two to eight weeks (depending on your prescription).
Before taking Remicade, tell your doctor if:
- You have an allergy to any of the active or inactive ingredients in Remicade, or any other medication allergies
- You have ever had a condition that affected your nervous system, such as multiple sclerosis
- You are pregnant, breast-feeding, or may become pregnant during your treatment period
- You currently have an infection or have a history of reoccurring infections
- You have or have ever had hepatitis B
- You have or have ever had congestive heart failure
- You have or have ever had liver problems
- You have psoriasis that has been treated with phototherapy
- You have diabetes or any other condition that makes you more susceptible to infections
- You are currently using any other prescription or non-prescription medications
What are the possible Remicade side effects?
Remicade side effects may include stomach cramps, headaches, nausea, heartburn, vaginal pain or other yeast infection symptoms, and back pain. Side effects may go away on their own, but if they persist or cause extreme discomfort, tell your doctor. You should also talk to your doctor immediately if you experience rare but serious side effects including rapid weight gain, joint or muscle pain, trouble breathing, swollen legs, acute pain in the upper right region of the stomach, yellow eyes or skin, blurred vision, weakness in limbs, loss of appetite, blood in stool, dark urine, unusual skin irritation, or any numbness and tingling.
This is not a complete list of potential Remicade side effects and should not be interpreted as medical advice. If you experience any other physical changes or pain that you believe may be caused by this medication, consult your doctor.
What if I forget to take a dose of Remicade?
If you miss a doctor’s appointment during which you were scheduled to receive a Remicade injection, contact your doctor as soon as possible to schedule a new appointment. You should never double the dosage that you receive during one appointment, even if you miss a dose.
How do I store Remicade?
Since you will most likely be receiving Remicade injections at your doctor’s office or a clinic, you may not be tasked with storing this medication. However, if you are, check the product instructions and ask your pharmacist for storage information. As with any prescription medication, you should keep Remicade out of reach of pets and children. Follow your pharmacist’s instructions to dispose of this drug if it expires or you are no longer using it in your treatment.
What happens if I overdose on Remicade?
You are not likely to overdose on Remicade because it should be administered by a medical professional. If you do believe that you have received an overdose, contact poison control. If you are having trouble breathing after receiving a Remicade injection, seek emergency medical attention.
As a TNF-alpha inhibitor, it is possible for Remicade to decrease your body’s ability to fight infections. This means that if you become infected during your course of treatment or if you already have an infection, there is an increased risk that the infection will spread to other parts of your body. You should tell your doctor about any infections that you have experienced recently, even minor ones such as open cuts or sores, before taking this medication.
Some patients prescribed Remicade have developed a rare form of cancer that attacks the liver, spleen, and bone marrow. This has mostly occurred in adolescents and young adults who were prescribed Remicade for ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease. You should consult your doctor about your individual risk before taking this medication.
Brand Names
Remicade is the brand name for infliximab. Currently, generic infliximab is not available in the US, but it may become available after September 2018.
If you are prescribed this drug and your insurance does not fully cover it, look for a Remicade patient assistance program or cut your Remicade cost with a printable discount coupon from HelpRx.

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