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Sulfacleanse Information:
What is Sulfacleanse 8-4?
Sodium sulfacetamide is a sulfonamide. It acts with antibacterial activity, while the sulfur contained within acts as a keratolytic agent. The antibacterial agent works to prevent bacteria from causing further skin damage or consuming cells vital to recovery. The keratolytic agent prevents keratin from aiding bacteria in the exacerbation of the symptoms of disease.
How do I take Sulfacleanse 8-4?
Before applying your medication, make sure to wash your hands. Do not cover or dress the treatment area unless directed by your doctor. Use Sulfacleanse 8-4 regularly to get the most benefit. Be sure to keep track of your remaining medication and refill before you have run out.
Before taking Sulfacleanse 8-4, tell your doctor if:
- You are allergic to sulfa drugs
- You have kidney disease
- You are suffering from any other medical conditions
- You are pregnant, nursing, or planning to become pregnant
What are the possible side effects of taking Sulfacleanse 8-4?
Use of Sulfacleanse 8-4 has been associated with such common side effects as itching, stinging, burning, redness, warmth, swelling, or irritation of treated skin. Severe side effects may include new or worsening skin rash, joint pain, fever, or mouth sores.
What if I forget to take a dose of Sulfacleanse 8-4?
Take the dose that you missed as soon as you remember to take it. Skip the dose that you missed if the time for your next dose has already drawn near. Do not take two doses at once or take any extra medication to make up for a missed dose.
How do I store Sulfacleanse 8-4?
Store Sulfacleanse at room temperature. Keep the medication away from areas that contain larger than normal amounts of moisture or heat.
What happens if I overdose on Sulfacleanse 8-4?
You may begin to experience some of the side effects listed as severe if you take too much Sulfacleanse 8-4. Get emergency medical help or call Poison Control at 1-800-222-1222.
Keep this medication out of your eyes, nose, and mouth. If the medicine enters any of these areas, rinse immediately with water. Do not use this medication on skin that has been sunburned, windburned, or is dry, chapped, irritated, or broken. Do not use more than one medication in the treatment area unless directed to do so by a physician.
Brand Names
Sulfacleanse 8-4 is a brand name of the generic sulfacetamide sodium and sulfur topical. It is additionally marketed under the names Avar, BP 10-Wash, Clarifoam EF, Garimide, Plexion, Prascion Cleanser, Rosanil Cleanser, Rosula, Sumadan, Sumaxin, Suphera, Virti-Sulf, and Zencia Wash. If you've been prescribed this medication to help heal and prevent the spread of certain skin conditions, reduce the price of Sulfacleanse 8-4 by as much as 35% with a coupon for your Sulfacleanse prescription. Be sure to grab a HelpRx discount card as well in case you need more discounts on more prescription drugs at your favorite pharmacy.

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